Ran into trouble with MPlayer OS X 2 for Chinese fonts. Couldn't find any answer online but finally solved it (by lots of guessing). Here is the solution: 1. Get TrueType fonts online: wget ftp.gnu.org/non-gnu/chinese-fonts-truetype/bkai00mp.ttf.gz wget ftp.gnu.org/non-gnu/chinese-fonts-truetype/bsmi00lp.ttf.gz wget ftp.gnu.org/non-gnu/chinese-fonts-truetype/gkai00mp.ttf.gz wget ftp.gnu.org/non-gnu/chinese-fonts-truetype/gbsn00lp.ttf.gz 2. Unzip them and put them into MPlayer fonts directory: gunzip *.ttf.gz chmod +x *.ttf mv *.ttf /Applications/MPlayer\ OS\ X\ 2.app/Contents/Resources/Fonts/ 3. Choose the right encoding and fonts when playing: Font Encoding Comment ------ ---------- --------- bkai00mp CP950 Big5, Kai bsmi00lp CP950 Big5, Song gkai00mp EUC-CN GB2312, Kai gbsn00lp EUC-CN GB2312, Song
Started as a playground for my English writing skills, this blog is gradually becoming a documentation of my personal life, or highlights thereof.