Saw the much anticipated Ang Lee film "Lust, Caution" in the Charles Theatre . The reaction from the general public in United States differed a lot from the Chinese community: While the Americans, with their proud lack of history, yawned it as "yet another period drama with some sex", as exemplified in this New York Times review , the Chinese, with a much wider historical context, paid a lot more attention, to say the least. The film is based on a (very) short story by Eileen Chang (张爱玲), who in turn based it on a true story. Unlike the real life heroine, who was allegedly a determined patriot and femme fatele , the protagonist in the novel and the film was reluctant to be a spy and confused from the struggle between sense and sensibility. Do I really care which government I am living with? Aren't good meals and good sex all that we want? Asked Ms. Chang, who was a longtime mistress of a high ranking official in the Japanese-supported collaborationist govern...