[Originally posted here ] Like many people, this is not the first time I take Discrete Optimization . I stumbled upon this course in 2013 and found it very interesting. I finished Knapsack without much problem and felt pretty good about myself. Then Graph Coloring beat me. My homegrown CP solver had serious bugs: I probably missed something important in the lecture. I thought to myself, "This is problem 2 and I'm already in deep s**t?!" Between a full-time job and a 9-month-old baby, I painfully realized that I could never finish it. I felt defeated, no, humiliated . In 2014, I quickly dismissed the idea of taking this course again because I was way too busy to spare the amount of effort needed for this course. This year, I made sure that I had the time for this course and started my journey of redemption. Let me state my problem first: minimize the amount of effort I spend subject to getting 10s for all problems that count toward the final grade As yo...
Started as a playground for my English writing skills, this blog is gradually becoming a documentation of my personal life, or highlights thereof.