If you happen to be a Maria Sharapova fan, like me, you would have known that she recently lauched her stupid, buggy, all-flash official website. Let me say it again in case you didn't get it in the first time: It is a stupid, buggy, all-flash website! What's worse was that they shut down the best fan site, http://www.mariaworld.net, for it. You can still find it when you do a google search for "Maria Sharapova". What I liked about mariaworld.net was exactly the opposite of what I hated about the official website: A simple but fast all-html design with concise news and great pictures. If ever those stupid website designers had tried to access this website as a fan had, they would have killed themselves. I just don't get it: Why do you have to shut down the best fan site for an offical one? If it was for some legal issues, how come you didn't shut down those in Russian or French or, even worse, those obessed with paparazzi pictures which I refuse to link to?
Ok, I feel much better now. For those of you who beared with me by reading all above, enjoy a nice video of Maria!
Ok, I feel much better now. For those of you who beared with me by reading all above, enjoy a nice video of Maria!