I started watching TV again when I came to the United States because I thought it might help improve my listening comprehension. At first I barely understood what they were talking, switching the caption on and off. So when one of the fastest-talking TV series, "Gilmore Girls", said goodbye a few days ago, I felt a little sad. Because Chinese is a tonal language, I had a hard time listening to female English speakers because they tend to use rising intonation a lot and they usually talk very fast. "Gilmore Girls" is a mother-daughter-grandmother story where everyone talks like an AK-47. It was such a big accomplishment for me to be able to understand them.
Another interesting show I watched last weekend was "Ninja Warrior", an obstacle course competition known in Japan as "SASUKE". It was so addictive.
Another interesting show I watched last weekend was "Ninja Warrior", an obstacle course competition known in Japan as "SASUKE". It was so addictive.