It was easy to decide which day I should spend visiting Vaticano among the three days I had for Roma: The day when the Pope appears! (In case you haven't known, the Pope speaks in public every Wednesday and Sunday, when he is not traveling.) Piazza di San Pietro Originally uploaded by yisu9 Vaticano was easy to reach by metro. After you got off, simply follow the crowd to get to the grand Piazza di San Pietro . Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano Originally uploaded by yisu9 The Basilica di San Pietro was an exquisite piece of art. Statue of Jesus Originally uploaded by yisu9 In the center of the Basilica was a statue of Jesus Christ, as it should. Pope's Balcony Originally uploaded by yisu9 This was the famous balcony where the newly elected pope would greet his people. Statues Originally uploaded by yisu9 Hundreds, if not thousands, of fine statues decorated the Piazza and the Basilica. People Waiting for the Pope Or...
Started as a playground for my English writing skills, this blog is gradually becoming a documentation of my personal life, or highlights thereof.