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TOTC - Monaco

For those of you who *actually* followed my story, I apologize: I lied, to some extent, when I said my next stop was Nice. In fact I arrived at Nice at night after a very enjoyable, and amazingly fast TGV ride. But I took a day trip to Monaco the very next day.

Les Casinos de Monte-Carlo
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
In case you haven't know, the Principality of Monaco is a city state with a constitutional monarchy. There are two ways to get there from Nice: a €1,5(!), 40-minute bus or a €5, 15-minute train. I took the bus not because it was cheaper but because I thought the bus ride would have much better views en route given it went along the coast line. I was *so* right. The first thing you saw after arrival was the world famous black tie required casino. Did I remember to wear black tie to get in for the allegedly exquisite interior? Are you kidding me?

Symbol of Monte-Carlo
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
The whole state of Monaco is built on a mountain stretched into the sea. So as long as you have a room with a window toward the sea, you have a wonderful view. A real estate heaven! Looking down, you wouldn't miss this colorful hexagonal mosaic, which is on the top of a auditorium and has become the symbol of Monte-Carlo.

Formula One!
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
Monte-Carlo is famous for its notoriously hard Grand Prix circuit, which wasn't difficult to find at all. Think about the reaction when you are going more than 300 km/h and you see this corner turn. *&^%$#@!

Along the Sea
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
Of course I wasn't walking at that speed. So I enjoyed the road along the sea.

Japanese Garden
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
There were gardens and parks all over the places.

Photo With Ronaldo's Feet
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
And this was a surprise. They started an award called the Golden Foot and put the winner's foot marks on the street. I gladly learned that my favorite player, Robert Baggio, was the first recipient in 2003. Then I took a picture with the latest winner, Ronaldo. Well, his feet. Ok, prints of his feet.

Mediterranean Sea
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
I had my first sight of the Mediterranean Sea on the TGV train when we passed Cannes. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed. And the old lady who sat nearby took a look at me with a face that said: "tourist!"

Originally uploaded by yisu1979
Within minutes, I arrived at Larvotto, the north end of Monaco, where there was a very nice beach.

Because it was a weekday, there weren't too many people. But the combination of white chairs and red umbrellas reminded me the Monaco flag, appearing in the background. I couldn't help wondering: Is it the origin of the flag? Just kidding.

Sun of the Beach
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
I didn't have time to enjoy the beach myself so I took a picture of people who were enjoying it.

Monaco Police
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
I bet every policeman in Monaco has to take speedboat riding classes.

Plage du Larvotto
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
This was how it looked when you stood on the T-shaped island.

Nouveau Musée National
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
On my way back, I passed by the National Museum.

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Besides the main road for vehicles, there were lots of valleys like this for pedestrians to walk up and down.

Port Hercule
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
I kept walking south past Monte-Carlo and saw the famous harbor, officially "Port Hercule".

Palais Princier
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
On the top of the hill sat the Royal Palace.

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I wasn't curious enough to pay the admission to get through this gate.

Monaco Guard
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
The well-dressed guard was a crowd pleaser, as always.

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The rest of the hilltop was a cute street of gift shops.

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As I walking down, some fascinating buildings I had no idea of their uses. Some kind of offices, I guess.

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Now the royal church, moderate in size but good enough for the princes and princesses.

Inside the Cathedrale
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
This cathedral saw the wedding of Grace Kelly, the Academy Award-winning actress and beloved Princess of Monaco.

Port de Fontvieille
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
Looking down on the other side, Port de Fontvieille was smaller than Port Hercule and mostly for private boats.

Digue de l'Avant Port
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
Now back to Port Hercule, the Digue de l'Avant Port was perfect for cruise ships.

Originally uploaded by yisu1979
This was a cute idea.

Interesting Buildings
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
Some very interesting buildings on the right side of Port Hercule. Some of them were hotels and others, luxurious condos.

From a Hilltop
Originally uploaded by yisu1979
This was taken from the same place, in wider context.

Originally uploaded by yisu1979
It was said that Monaco attracted lots of rich people not only by its natural beauty, but also by its low taxation. Therefore you saw luxury cars virtually everywhere. This Ferrari was found in front of a car dealer's place.

Originally uploaded by yisu1979
I didn't even bother to go into its shopping malls because I knew I could afford nothing. But I could still window-shopping some Rolex'es.

Monaco was all bright and beautiful but after a while, it was getting a little bit boring. I couldn't imagine myself living here, even if I were rich enough to do so. Like one of my friends said and I quote, the whole state resembled "a luxury hotel", in other words, not home.


Aparna Ganguly said…
These pics look good enough to eat ! Heehee

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